
Uses WebApp to incentivise collaborative recycling & green consumption
2018 SEED Low Carbon Awards; IKI BMU
Green Technologies

Amazóniko uses innovative technology to educate and ease the recycling process in Bogotá. Through its digital platform, the enterprise educates app users with a comprehensive recycling toolkit and organises easy waste collection. Amazóniko’s point-based scheme rewards recycling by offering a growing catalogue of environmentally friendly products produced from the collected materials and discounts in associated brands.

The enterprise primarily targets increasingly environmentally aware citizens in Bogotá as app users, and actively works with associations of waste workers to extend formal employment opportunities and improve working conditions.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
Amazóniko reduces post-consumer waste and improves resource efficiency, delivers improved health and safety conditions and formalises employment opportunities in the waste management sector.
  • Provides formal employment opportunities for 200 recyclers (waste workers) in conjunction with a workers association.
  • Improves health and safety conditions for formalised waste workers through the app’s streamlined, door-to-door collection service.


  • Reduced recyclable materials in landfills and waterways; collected 900kg of plastic, 600kg of metals, and 550kg of paper in the pilot phase.
  • Minimised the amount of ethylene, water, CO2 emissions in production processes.
  • Break dependency on raw materials in production by promoting a closed-loop production.
  • Offers sustainable brands associated with the app the opportunity to access resource inputs in the form of recycled materials.
  • Markets green products through a rewards scheme.
  • Provides formal, reliable incomes to waste management sector workers.



Amazóniko offers a collaborative recycling WebApp that incentivizes users to recycle through a door-to-door collection service and rewards scheme. The enterprise helps to formalize recyclables collection in association with workers group and provides sustainable employment to the waste management sector.

Ideco is a software development company responsible for developing the Amazóniko app and providing ongoing software support for its commercial use.

HubBog is a start-up incubator and accelerator that supported Amazóniko through its accelerator programme and to establish contacts.