AET AFRICA innovates, manufactures and supplies energy efficiency products for water heating and cooling systems and also conducts research on innovating those technologies. The company designs innovative products that would reuse wasted heat, provide accessibility and affordable hot water to all households and commercial users and further pasteurises the water.
AET developed a technology to decrease electricity costs of water preparation through a hotspot, without replacing conventional geysers. The hotspot compliments geyser timers, geyser blankets and high pressure solar geysers.
- Hiring five students after their in-service training with the enterprise in 2018
- Taking seven new learners who needed training in order to obtain their engineering qualifications
- Starting an internship programme focused on manufacturing and innovation in a local school
- Obtaining Hotspot green certification through Green Tag
- Forming a partnership with a waste management company that will produce pellets for our recycled packaging line
- Starting ISO 14001 certification process
- Employing 13 staff members from EC
- Forming partnerships with local plumbers and electricians for installation trainings in two provinces

The Innovation Hub is an incubator ensuring that AET AFRICA keeps up with the trends of innovations and technology worldwide
The Technology Localisation Implementation Unit (TLIU) of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), assists AET AFRICA to optimize manufacturing processes