MSMEs: Drivers of Green and Inclusive Economies in Thailand | Policy Landscape Paper, Thailand

Policy Landscape Paper | Thailand, 2020

As a leader in the ASEAN region, Thailand’s policy frameworks are well aligned with ASEAN initiatives, UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Paris Agreement. Various stakeholders including those in the MSME ecosystem are working towards achieving the Thailand 4.0 industrial policy, a long-term vision to transition the country into an innovation-based economy, with a focus on technology, creativity and services. This policy landscape paper provides a brief overview of the social and environmental impact entrepreneurial ecosystem in Thailand. It serves as the background for the Practitioner Labs for Policy Prototyping hosted by SEED with UNDP Thailand as strategic partner.

Three key thematic areas for the Policy Labs are identified, following SEED’s research and consultation with key stakeholders and partners in Thailand: 1) Enhancing and Scaling MSMEs’ Capacities to Reduce Single-use Plastics; 2) Improving Data Management of SMAEs Network for Smart Food Supply Chains; and 3) Supporting MSMEs in the Creation of a Circular Economy.