SEED Market Study

Assessing the Export Potential of Ecoinclusive Enterprises from the SEED Network in International Markets

Manifested through the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement, the international community has agreed to tackle prevalent economic, environmental, and social challenges, whereby the private sector and businesses can make a pivotal contribution. SMEs play a central role in environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive development and poverty reduction by offering green products and services and integrating local communities into their business models. Trade can serve as a vehicle to foster, disseminate, and scale innovative and sustainable products and services, and increase the adaptability to external shocks and thus enterprise resilience by providing access to alternative markets.

Among the products and services offered by eco-inclusive enterprises from the SEED network are unique, sustainable, and innovative ideas from diverse sectors including biodiversity, clean energy, green technology, sustainable agriculture, waste management, and water, sanitation, and health (WASH). The aim of this report is to analyse the international market potential of end-consumer products offered by enterprises from the SEED network from a supply and demand perspective, as well as identifying possible avenues for support.