Closing the Climate Financing Gap for SMEs: Insights on innovative climate financing for climate-smart SMEs

SEED Climate Finance Flagship Report

The objective of this report is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of climate finance for climate-smart SMEs, with a view to identifying relevant finance instruments that can support climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. Following this comprehensive review and general analysis, this report provides a detailed examination of the climate-smart SME ecosystems in nine SEED target countries. The report concludes with a series of recommendations for governments, finance institutions, development finance institutions and capacity development providers. The analytical framework presented in this report and developed by SEED, is a valuable resource for climate-smart SMEs seeking to access climate finance. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the available instruments and their key features. This information can assist entities in identifying the most relevant and promising instruments for their specific needs.

This report draws on the insights and action-oriented research from the SEED Practitioner Labs Climate Finance (PLCF) and the SEED Green Finance Academy (GFA) in the years 2019-2023. It also builds on the lessons from 20 years of experience of the SEED Programme supporting climate-smart SMEs along their scale-up and finance journeys.