SEED Winners attend PDCI Event in Jakarta, Indonesia

Three SEED Winners from Uganda joined the discussions at the “1st Practitioners’ Dialogue on Climate Investments in cooperation with the 3rd Sustainable Business Dialogue” on 7-9 October 2015 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Norbert Muhumuza Co-founder/Chief Operations Officer of Awamu Biomass Energy Ltd, SEED Winner 2013
Vianney Tumwesige Managing Director of Green Heat, SEED Winner 2014 
Jay Patel Vice-President of Village Energy, SEED Winner of 2015

The global Practitioners’ Dialogue on Climate Investments (PDCI) aims to advance our understanding of how governments in developing countries and emerging economies can secure the participation of private businesses and the financial sector in climate-resilient and low-emission development. The 2.5-day event in Jakarta therefore convened around 120 practitioners from national governments and the business and financial sector in order to facilitate cross-sectoral exchange and networking.

On 8th October 2015 participants introduced and discussed different (policy) approaches as well as cooperation and financing models to mobilize private investments in renewable energy projects, energy-efficiency measures and adaptation actions. On Day II, PDCI participants had the opportunity to discuss challenges and opportunities related to the implementation of these policies, cooperation and financing models in greater detail and to work on specific country cases and transfer projects.

Based on their background and experience in grassroots entrepreneurship along the triple-bottom-line; the SEED Winners were able to bring valuable input to the table and to create important cross-sectoral and cross-regional synergies.

Jay Patel, Vice President of Village Energy Uganda, recounts:

It is rare to have such a diverse group of people sitting at the same table; I found it to be a very engaging and spirited discussion. For me, the ultimate value of any conference hinges on the collaboration opportunities that come out of networking, and PCDI was a great success in this regard. I made several key connections regarding consumer financing for off-grid solar, a key focus area for us right now. Hopefully one or more of them will turn into fantastic collaboration opportunities that will enhance our work in Uganda in the coming year. Looking forward to building up what has been accomplished so far at future PCDI events.

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, in cooperation with its long-term partner the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), hosted the 1st Practitioners’ Dialogue on Climate Investments.

For more information and to view the agenda of the 1st Practitioners’ Dialogue on Climate Investments, please visit