SEED is returning to Morocco!
In 2022, many years after SEED’s last Award in Morocco, SEED is launching new activities to support green entrepreneurs. The aim is to strengthen innovation and job creation for a more sustainable and inclusive economy in Morocco.
The project, supported by the Government of Flanders and implemented by adelphi, supports Moroccan SMEs in the green economy. We work with specific pathways tailored to the companies' stage of development, helping them start up, attract investment capital and scale up. The programme focuses on regions where unemployment rates are high, but where there is also potential for business development.
For 2023, upcoming SEED activities include, amongst others:
- Training of Trainers for BDS Advisors and incubators, training of trainers on SEED’s incubation programmes SEED Starter and Replicator (early 2023)
- Green SME Finance Academy for financial institutions (mid 2023)
- SEED Replicator & SEED Starter workshops for aspiring entrepreneurs with access to grants and a local SEED office with co-working opportunities to support the set-up of the new enterprises (mid 2023)
In 2024, SEED will launch a SEED Award to select the most innovative eco-inclusive enterprises in Morocco and many more activities to support enterprises and the entrepreneurship ecosystem – stay tuned!
- SEED Award, SEED Catalyser & SEED Accelerator support programmes for innovative eco-inclusive enterprises in Morocco
We always seek collaboration opportunities. If you are interested in collaborating with SEED, require further information about any aspect of SEED or would like to provide feedback, please contact us using the email marocseed [dot] uno.
The SEED activities in Morocco are implemented thanks to the support of the Government of Flanders. The project is part of the new international cooperation between Flanders and Morocco.