[Do not publish] SEED participates in the UNEA Side Event: “UNEP, the Sustainable Development Goals and Business”

SEED takes part in the UNEA Side Event: “UNEP, the Sustainable Development Goals and Business”, which is organised by the Business Green Economies Dialogue Project in partnership with The International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and The International Council of Chemicals Associations (ICCA).

This side event aims to create a platform that brings stakeholders from the business community together with national governments and highlights the importance of UNEP to business and how it can catalyse private sector contributions to economic, social and environmental progress via the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Post 2015 Development Agenda. Together they will reflect on new challenges and priorities linked to the SDGs for business initiatives to advance greener economic activity.

About UNEA

UNEA is a result of the call made by world leaders at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), held in Brazil in June 2012, to strengthen and upgrade UNEP as the leading global environmental authority  that sets the global environmental agenda and by establishing universal membership in its Governing Council.

From 23 to 27 June 2014, the first session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) of the United Nations Environment Programme will convene at the UNEP headquarters in Nairobi with more than 1,200 participants, including Environment Ministers, Government delegates and representatives of major groups and stakeholders.  The overarching theme of this first session is “Sustainable Development Goals and the Post-2015 Development Agenda, including sustainable consumption and production”, which is designed to inform ongoing discussions on the formulation of a set of targets and indicators that would succeed the Millennium Development Goals. 

Visit the official site here for more details.