[Do not publish] SEED participates in the Social Enterprise Thailand Forum 2021

Social Enterprise Thailand Association and its partners organised the Social Enterprise Thailand Forum 2021 featuring 60+ organisations from good social networks, government partners, the private sector, the education sector, and international organisations as well as Thai and international social enterprises. The event happened between Friday 19 and Sunday 21 November 2021 under the theme "Where Profit Meets Purpose - Sustainable Society, Long-lasting Business".

SEED represented two recent trends from regional players and international donors’ perspective, SE in Green Recovery and Innovative Climate Finance for SE.

In the SE in Green Recovery session, SEED highlighted SE’s roles driving Green Recovery and opportunities of supports this brings about from the recent SEED snapshot report. See the recording of the Green Recovery session here.

In the Innovative Climate Finance for SE, SEED showcased inspiring business financing models from SEED Climate Finance Lab in Thailand and Uganda. See the recording of the Innovative Climate Finance session here.