[Do not publish] SEED participates in AMCEN pre-session event: “Inclusive Green Economies for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development in Africa: From Inspiration to Action”

SEED will participate in a Regional Workshop "Inclusive Green Economies for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development in Africa: From Inspiration to Action" which will be help in Cairo on 28 February and 1 March.

This meeting is a pre-session to the 15th Session of AMCEN. The fifteenth session of AMCEN will focus on harnessing Africa’s environmental assets, looking at policies and strategies to support Africa’s economic transformation and growth. The session will therefore be held under the following theme: "Managing Africa’s Natural Capital for Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication", the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment, at which African countries will discuss and share experiences and lessons learned in bringing a green economy focus and policies into their medium-/long-term development plans.

The workshop is expected to have the following outcomes:

  1. Assessing where Africa, as a region, stands in terms of its progress towards an inclusive green economy transformation;
  2. Distilling and sharing good practices and valuable experiences of implementing green economy policy, developing green economy strategies at the country level, and promoting social and environmental entrepreneurship;
  3. Enhancing countries’ capacities to incorporate inclusive green economy as a central frame of reference in national development planning;
  4. Discussing a way forward and sketching out next steps for actions, in particular, on how to finance green economy-related strategies; and how green economy principles could help countries to achieve sustainable development in setting and achieving relevant national goals and targets.

In a dedicated session, SEED will highlight some of the successes of Winners of the SEED Awards, and share the evidence and insights into enablers and barriers for start-up social and environmental enterprises, while a number of the African Winners will relate their experience first-hand.