[Do not publish] SEED highlights the importance of SMEs in the reforestation and climate change at Greek House Davos event

On 13 Nov 2021, SEED Executive Director – Arab Hoballah participated and showcased the importance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in reforestation and climate change mitigation. The Greek House Davos brought together key actors and decision-makers to discuss the outcome of COP26 and suggest concrete policy recommendations.

During the event, Arab highlighted SMEs as the missing middle without who we cannot protect the forest, develop sustainable production and consumption, mitigate climate change and attain sustainable development goals. The relation between local communities and SMEs was further emphasized by pointing out the role of SMEs in the consumption and production patterns of the local communities. Arab further mentioned the deforestation situation, especially in Asian, African and South American countries – where sustainable alternatives to woods are extremely important to save the forests and reconstruct their natural resources. Lastly, Arab stressed on the importance of recognizing and engaging the SMEs in global pledges and plans (for e.g. COP 26, Paris Agreement etc.) and creating a more enabling ecosystem for the small-scale enterprises to grow, thrive and create more environmental impacts.

Watch the session and Arab’s presentation (starting from 1:00:20) here.