[Do not publish] SEED participates in various COP28 events

5-8 December in Dubai, UAE, and online

SEED will be organising three side events and co-organising a 4th one at COP28 in collaboration with strategic partners to advocate for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and their role in the transition to circular and low carbon economies. The main aim of the events is to foster an important discussion highlighting the enormous, yet generally untapped, potential of SMEs related to delivery of circular economy and responsible actions with panel experts.

On December 5, SEED hosts a side event on “Les PMEs, partenaires essentiels pour une transition juste vers une économie circulaire sobre en consommation d’énergie” organised in collaboration with Institut de la Francophonie pour le Développement Durable (IFDD), BIT/ILO, SME Climate Hub, Medwaves/UNEP-MAP.

This event will center on the empowerment of SMEs in their pivotal role during the transition to a sustainable, low-energy circular economy. The focus will be on exploring the untapped potential of eco-inclusive businesses, acknowledging their capacity as drivers of green innovation and local resilience. The session aims to examine the establishment of collaborative frameworks, supportive policies, and partnerships involving SMEs, larger corporations, and governmental bodies necessary for a successful and just transition toward sustainability.

The event will be held at IFDD Pavilion on the 5th of December 2023.


  • Cécile Martin-Phipps, IFDD, OIF
  • Moustapha Kamal Gueye, ILO
  • Vincent Ernoux, Interreg NEXT MED Programme
  • Tounao Kiri, IFDD
  • Giorgio Mosangini, UNEP/MAP
  • Pamela Jouven, We Mean Business
  • Mustapha Zahir, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech

On December 6, SEED will host a side event on the “Role of SMEs in the transition to circular and low carbon economies” organised in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Germany for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection BMUV/Germany, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), International Trade Centre (ITC), SME Climate Hub, Emirates Environmental Group (EEG) and Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF).

The event will spotlight the profound impact of SMEs, especially eco-inclusive businesses, in driving economic, social, and environmental progress. Often overlooked, these enterprises play a pivotal role in job creation, offering crucial services to marginalised communities, and spearheading sustainability efforts. Discussions will center on their crucial role in climate adaptation, mitigation, and the transition to a circular economy.

Through a diverse panel of experts, this event will focus on strategies and collaborative initiatives to empower SMEs further. Explore the mechanisms, technical support, and scaling strategies necessary to amplify SME innovations and ensure lasting global impacts.

The event will be hosted by ICC Pavilion, Make Climate Action Everyone's Business Forum, on the 6th of December 2023.


  • Inga Wagner, BMUV
  • Fiona Shera, ITC
  • Pamela Jouven, We Mean Business Coalition
  • Habiba Al Marashi, EEG
  • Grazyna Pulawska, ASEF
  • Dominic Waughray, WBCSD
  • Aizhan Skakova, Public Chamber of the Parliament, Republic of Kazakhstan

On December 8, SEED will host the event "SMEs, Gamechangers in a Just Transition to circular and low carbon economies". This event delves into the integral role played by SMEs and eco-inclusive businesses, showcasing their ability to deliver triple returns - economic, social, and environmental. These entities, often undervalued, act as drivers of transformative green practices, generating jobs, providing essential services, and supporting marginalized communities worldwide.

Eco-inclusive SMEs actively contribute to sustainable production, circular economy transitions, and innovative solutions, yet they frequently lack recognition. The event aims to highlight their significance and ignite discussions on mechanisms and technical support essential for scaling their initiatives, ensuring enduring impacts in climate adaptation, green job creation, and sustainable practices.

The event will be hosted by ILO and EC at the Just Transition Pavilion on the 8th of December 2023.


  • Ilka Hirt, BMUV
  • Dragan Radic, ILO
  • Chantal Line Carpentier, UNCTAD,
  • Zafar Makhmudov, CAREC
  • Puja Sawhney, Habitat for Humanity
  • Rachel Asante-Owusu, IUCN
  • Akustina Morni, IOE
  • Rym Ayadi, Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association

On December 8, SEED will co-organise with ILO and GO4SDGs an event on “Circular Economy: How SMEs can transform the economy for people, planet and prosperity“, 17:45-18:45, at the SDG Pavilion. Details to be provided later.

SEED contributes as speaker-panelist to the following events as well:

  • 3 December, event organised by the COP28 UAE Secretariat on “How Small and Medium Enterprises Can Change the Course of Action in the Climate Fight“, 3rd December, 14:30-16:00, Women’s Pavilion- Majlis, Green Zone
  • 4 December, event organised by Emirates Env. Group/EEG, on “Accountability in the Built Environment: Integrating Financial Security & Sustainable Trade”, 3:30 pm and 4:15 pm, in the Slovenian Pavilion.
  • 8 December, event organised by the COP28 UAE Secretariat & SME Climate Hub for MENA, on “Cascading Climate Action in Supply Chains with Innovative Practices to Empower SMEs to Decarbonise“, December 8th from 12:00 to 13:00 GST at WMBC's Business Pavilion.