SEED 2009 Gold Winners move on

Over the last few months the SEED Secretariat has attended all the award ceremonies and conducted workshops for each of the 2009 SEED Gold Winners:

  • Bangladesh – Shidhulai: Solar conversion of traditional kerosene hurricane lamps
  • Colombia - Oro Verde: Facilitating Market Access for Artisan Miners
  • Niger - ALMODO: Recycling waste into goods ranging from building materials to energy substitutes
  • South Africa - Natural Justice: Biocultural Protocols: Community Approaches to Access and Benefit Sharing
  • Zimbabwe - KAITE: Bridge to the world, organic essential oils

The visits carry the purpose of profiling the SEED winners in their country through high-level award ceremonies, while also connecting them to influential organisations, institutions and foundations who can serve as partners and provide missing resources. The SEED country visits conclude with a specifically tailored training on management, finance, partnerships and other issues relating to scaling up social and environmental enterprises.

SEED wishes to particularly thank:

  • Minister Gerda Verburg (Dutch Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality)
  • H.E. Mr. Stephen Evans (British High Commissioner to Bangladesh)
  • Deputy Minister Derek Hanekom (Deputy Minister of Science and Technology in South Africa)
  • Juan Mayr, ex-Minister of the Environment, and Barbara Pesce Monteiro, Country Director, UNDP, Colombia
  • Nadine Gbossa, Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP, Niger