SAG–SEED Replicator Programme rolled-out in Ghana, South Africa, Kenya and Uganda

In April 2017, eight SAG – SEED Replicator Connect Workshops were implemented in Accra, Pretoria, Nairobi, Kisumu and Kampala.

Over 180 entrepreneurs worked with proven business models in the agricultural, energy, manufacturing, and integrated waste management sector and adapted them to their local markets. The SEED one-day workshops introduced early stage and experienced entrepreneurs to a wealth of case studies on proven business models, replication concepts and capacitated them to modify and localize the models.

SEED´s Replicator helps future entrepreneurs and existing eco-inclusive enterprises to get inspired by tested and validated business models and to benefit from learnings from successful existing eco-inclusive enterprises. Thereby, SEED helps eco-inclusive enterprises to spend their time, resources and energy more efficiently on creating localized solutions specific for their unique contexts. Further, workshop participants were equipped with tools to explore their local markets and received hands-on support and peer-to-peer feedback to develop the basics of their adapted business models and to incubate the replication process.

SEED´s Replicator Connect Platform, an online matchmaking platform, facilitates partnerships between originating eco-inclusive enterprises around the globe and adopters wishing to adopt the business models. Here, adopters have the opportunity to introduce an outline of their replication ideas to originators, adopters and originators are connected and expert guidance on replication is provided.

Replication is an effective approach to multiply impacts and helps to leverage the potential of eco-inclusive enterprises in serving the needs of the Base of the Pyramid (BoP). Many eco-inclusive enterprises successfully address similar problems such as unsustainable farming and waste management practices, lack of access to water and sanitation, lack to clean, affordable energy or high poverty levels due to insufficient income sources and employment opportunities for local households already. These proven models bear high potential to be reproduced in other geographic locations with similar challenges, thereby eliminating the need to re-invent the wheel and allowing adopters to allocate their resources on the development of innovative localized solutions.

SEED has worked with successful eco-inclusive enterprises around the globe and compiled insights into the core elements which need to be replicated in order to achieve similar sustainability impacts, local requirements and success factors of eco-inclusive enterprises. 

Currently available SAG - SEED Replicator Workbooks range from “Waste to Biogas”, “Waste to Industrial Resources”, “Plastic Upcycling”, “Briquettes from Biomass”, "Green Products for Health and Sanitation”, “From Beehives to Market” to “Agricultural Product Processing”, “Collaborative Business Models for Smallholder Farming” and “Irrigation Solutions for Smallholder Farmers”

The SAG-SEED Replicator is supported by Switch Africa Green and the Government of Flanders.