Launch of the SAG-SEED Starter and BDS+ training in Burkina Faso

Two new opportunities for Burkina Faso are now open:

SAG-SEED Starter

During a 3-day and a 2-day workshop in Ouagadougou (9-11 February & 17-18 March 2017), the future entrepreneurs will come together to strategically develop an initial business idea. The period between the two workshops will be used for facilitated testing of the idea with potential customers and partners. In the end, teams are ready to go public with their ideas. The most successful teams can win additional capacity building support for their enterprise!

Interested teams apply by *NEW DATE: 24 January! You can find more information here.

SAG-SEED BDS+ Training of Trainers

BDS+ builds the capacities of selected local business development services (BDS) providers in a 4-day workshop (31 January to 3 February 2017). Selected business development service providers will get to know over 20 business and management tools as well as case studies, exercises, guidelines and templates that are specifically tailored to address enterprises’ social, environmental and economic impacts. They will also benefit from the BDS+ network, their access to the SEED knowledge platform, and an exchange of best practices in peer-learning formats.

Participants can be nominated until 12 January. You can find more information here.