Launch of the SAG-SEED Replicator Connect Workshop in Kenya: Apply by 9 September 2016!


SEED - supported by SWITCH-Africa Green - is pleased to invite applications for the first SAG-SEED Replicator Connect Workshop in Kenya. The SEED Replicator support program aims at supporting future entrepreneurs by replicating front-running and proven eco-inclusive business models around the world. Based on brand-new SAG-SEED Replicator Workbooks, the Replicator Connect Workshops will offer hands-on support to take the first steps towards the development of an individual business idea. SEED offers a unique opportunity to gain insight into eco-inclusive business models around the world and provides workshop participants with a variety of business options to compile together in order to set up their own eco-inclusive enterprise in the sectors of briquette production or plastic upcycling.

Instead of re-inventing the wheel, this SEED support component will multiply sustainability impacts and engages myriads of future entrepreneurs.

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The one-day SAG-SEED Replicator Connect Workshop will take place on 26 September 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya. The number of workshop participants is limited, be fast and apply today in order to secure your inspiring support package to develop your own business idea.

Motivated individuals, teams or NGOs are invited to send their application until 9 September 2016.

For more information, please visit: