Call for applications: launch of the SAG-SEED Replicator Connect Workshops in Kenya & Uganda

SEED and SWITCH-Africa Green are pleased to invite applications for the next round of SAG-SEED Replicator Connect Workshops, this time in Kenya and Uganda.

The SEED Replicator supports future entrepreneurs by replicating proven eco-inclusive business models from around the world. Based on the SAG-SEED Replicator Workbooks, the Replicator Connect Workshops offer hands-on support to take the first steps towards the development of an individual business idea and a unique opportunity to gain insight into eco-inclusive business models around the world. Workshop participants are provided with a variety of business options in order to set up their own eco-inclusive enterprise in a chosen sector.

Eight separate workshops will take place on two days in each country based on sector:


  • 5 April in Nairobi: green sanitary products or natural product processing
  • 7 April in Kisumu: products from honey or smallholder farming initiatives

Deadline for applications: 20 March.

Uganda (Kampala):

  • 20 April: smallholder farming initiatives or locally manufactured cookstoves
  • 21 April: waste to biogas or green sanitary products

Deadline for applications: 6 April.

The number of workshop participants is limited. Motivated individuals, teams or NGOs are invited to send their application before the deadlines above.

For more information, please visit: