Call for Applications for the SEED Replicator

SEED is looking for eco-inclusive enterprises to support their replication process 

For its recently launched new support program, the SEED Replicator, SEED is currently looking for eco-inclusive enterprises wishing to replicate their business model. Interested enterprises will be supported in the identification of replicable features of their business model as well as in their search for potential replication partners in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Mauritius and Uganda.

Replication is a fast and effective approach to scale the impact of eco-inclusive enterprises on a global level. The objective of replication is to reproduce and launch proven solutions to sustainability challenges at various locations. Although many eco-inclusive enterprises would like to serve as role-models and share their business ideas, they often lack appropriate channels for dissemination and experience difficulties in the identification of potential partners in the countries where they would like to replicate.  

SEED supports originators to overcome those challenges by collaboratively making their business model replication-ready. This includes the identification of core elements, success factors and best practices. Further, SEED will provide originators with a selection of potential replication partners in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Mauritius and Uganda and thereby assists in the establishment of replication partnerships.  

Therefore, SEED is looking for eco-inclusive enterprises active in the fields of agriculture, manufacturing, energy, tourism and waste management with simple business models and a proven business concept, which are financially viable and require relatively low upfront investments. Potential enterprises are motivated to collaborate with potential replication partners and willing to invest a bit of time to spread their business idea.  

The SAG-SEED Replicator in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mauritius, Kenya, South Africa and Uganda is part of the SAG-SEED project "Promoting Eco-Entrepreneurship in Africa", which SEED is implementing under the SWITCH-Africa Green project. SWITCH-Africa Green is implemented by UNEP with the assistance of the European Union.  

The SEED Replicator activities in South Africa are supported by the Government of Flanders.