KLYN Consulting Partners with SEED to Strengthen the SME Ecosystem in Zambia

KLYN Consulting implementation team members share their insights about collaboration with SEED

KLYN Consulting (KLYN) stands as a distinguished Management Consultancy and Business Advisory firm based in Lusaka, Zambia. Specialising in the delivery of tailored entrepreneurship and enterprise development support to Small and Medium Enterprises, KLYN has been a dedicated SEED implementing partner in Zambia since the initiation of SEED eco-inclusive enterprise support activities in 2019. The organisation has actively collaborated with all three SEED Accelerators and three SEED Catalysers.

Throughout the course of this partnership, KLYN has experienced significant growth, particularly in its capacity to provide eco-inclusive enterprise solutions with a focus on the triple bottom line. The organisation has elevated its ability to offer enhanced support to businesses, showcasing a commitment to sustainable business practices. Moreover, the KLYN team has gained essential skills in executing background and support activities, including enterprise engagement, logistics, venue and catering arrangements, as well as handling printing and procurement of materials. Their role extends to providing expert guidance to enterprises during and between workshops.

The KLYN team has been the implementing partner working on SEED Accelerator and Catalyser programmes in Zambia. “KLYN is proud to be a SEED implementing partner in Zambia as this has been a truly fulfilling experience”, says Nsangu Siwale, Managing Consultant at KLYN Consulting.

Using the Best Tools at SEED Workshops

The collaboration between SEED and KLYN is proving to be a catalyst for positive change among Zambian entrepreneurs. Recent workshops have shed light on tools that not only address diverse needs but also engage and empower entrepreneurs across various sectors.

One tool that has created especial interest is the Impact Monitoring Dashboard. Despite some initial challenges in navigation, entrepreneurs found it instrumental in understanding the nuances of being an eco-inclusive enterprise compared to traditional businesses. Mukuka Bwalya, Business Development Consultant at KLYN, notes the tool's data-driven approach is helping entrepreneurs shape their identity and effortlessly highlight specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) applicable to their ventures.

Another crucial tool that gained appreciation is the Business Climate Resilience Building. Many enterprises realised they often neglect analysing climate-related threats that could impact their businesses. Helena Chandwe, a Business Development Consultant at KLYN, highlighted the importance of this tool in helping enterprises map out threats and implement effective mitigation measures, ensuring better preparedness for unexpected challenges.

Entrepreneurs also found value in tools like Target Market Analysis, which provided insights into realistic market figures and identified potential barriers, as well as the Financial Growth Assumptions, which received high praise from the Forest Africa team. “It enabled them to realistically look at the growth they would like to pursue”, notes Nsangu Siwale.


Highlights from the Workshops in 2023

SEED workshops can become a basis for SME growth because of their structure and unique tools being applied, but also as an opportunity for collaboration and finding solutions. “The enterprises appreciated the SEED hands-on approach which encourages teamwork and delivers tailor-made solutions with easy-to-grasp business concepts”, says Helena Chandwe.

The workshops in 2023 saw a remarkable commitment from participants, with some enterprises going above and beyond. Some teams expressed such strong support for the benefits of the workshop that they willingly covered logistical costs for additional team members. Others brought on relatively new hires to instil a sense of buy-in from the outset, showcasing a commitment to holistic team development.

A standout moment from the Catalyser workshop was the formation of a partnership between Green Care Eco Solution and Tivwane Money Solutions. Green Care, specialising in organic fertilisers, joined forces with Tivwane, a micro-lending company focused on providing financial solutions to smallholder farmers. This collaboration has introduced financing options for Green Care's organic fertilisers, as well as provides an opportunity to expend their reach into new markets, while Tivwane increased their product offering.

KLYN’s Favourite Aspects of Collaboration with SEED

KLYN team has gained significant experience in collaborating with SEED and has formed a deep understanding of the programme and its benefits. Helena Chandwe strongly believes in the effectiveness of the SEED model, which encourages peer-to-peer coaching and learning, creating an environment where rich information and feedback are shared among teams.

Mukuka Bwalya expressed appreciation for the flexibility of the SEED programme, emphasising its enterprise-centred approach. She also found Solution Prototyping to be a helpful tool in supporting enterprises understand that sustainable and profitable eco and social design can be achieved through this process whilst minimising costly revisions and mistakes. “I am particularly keen on the peer engagement approach used which helps bring to the fore diverse ideas that may not have been thought of by the individual enterprises”, says Mukuka Bwalya.

The SEED and KLYN Consulting collaboration has proven to be empowering for Zambian entrepreneurs. Through insightful tools and impactful collaborations, the workshops are fostering a resilient and growth-oriented ecosystem, setting the stage for sustained success among SMEs in Zambia.