Nutri-Therapy Kaawa

Addressing public health problems by offering therapeutic beverages produced from avocado seeds.
L'équipe SEED Starter Sustainable Agriculture Kampala, Uganda

Nutri-Therapy Kaawa addresses public health problems by offering therapeutic beverages produced from avocado seeds, rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and therapeutic properties.

The beverages are produced under the brand names Avo Beverage and Stevia. ʺSteviaʺ is a highly nutritious food supplement specifically made for diabetic, hypertensive, and obese individuals. This beverage is rich in natural sugars 3 times sweeter than normal sugar and containing zero calories. The business was initiated with an aim of helping disadvantaged women in the community to have a side income from recycling avocado seeds into a value-added product. 

Eco-Inclusive Impacts

Nutri-Therapy Kaawa addresses public health problems by offering therapeutic beverages produced from avocado seeds, empowering woman and stimulating economy.
  • Mitigating the effects of global warming by sensitizing the local community on the importance of trees.
  • Integrating disadvantaged women as raw material suppliers, offering skill training and engage them in the production process.
  • Reducing carbon footprint by converting organic waste from agriculture into valuable clean energy with low impact. 
  • Creation of more carbon sinks, through the planting of trees in rural communities. 
  • Creating employment opportunities for single mothers and widows in the community, empowering them into an economic activity.
  • Improving the spending abilities of the families in the community to give an impulse to their economy. 


Cette entreprise est soutenue par ses partenariats avec diverses parties prenantes, notamment des organisations nationales et internationales, des investisseurs, des instituts de recherche, des fournisseurs, des organismes gouvernementaux, des ONG, d'autres entreprises sociales et environnementales, etc.

Finding XY: offers business advisory services, product branding, and marketing advice to the enterprise.

Enterprise Uganda: assists with enhancing the visibility of the enterprise by linking them to important business training opportunities & exhibitions like the global entrepreneurship week among others.

Bibliothèque SEED

Dans la bibliothèque SEED, vous pouvez lire des études de cas et des notes d'information et explorer les actualités récentes et les articles de blog relatifs à l'entreprise.
En savoir plus

Collaborer avec Nutri-Therapy Kaawa

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Je consens à ce que SEED recueille mes coordonnées et protège les données que j'ai soumises conformément à la politique de confidentialité.
Namulinda Namara Molly
Kabowa, Rubaga Division Simbwa zone, P.BOX 1551 Kampala, Uganda.
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256703984626

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