Masole Ammele

Empowering local communities with permaculture fish farming
2015 SEED Africa Award Lauréat-e Sustainable Agriculture Malawi

Masole Ammele firstly selects local fish species that are being threatened due to overfishing and pollution. The enterprise then trains village members on organic fish farming according to permaculture principles, using affordable local input resources and conserving aquatic ecosystems.

In self-managed groups, villagers take care of the ponds and sell the fish to local markets, transferring five percent of all sales back to the enterprise.

The enterprise is raising awareness on the importance of preserving local fish species and the potential of using permaculture farming techniques. Masole Ammele will contribute to cleaner water resources and plan to plant 10,000 trees in target communities by 2020.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts

Masole Ammele is uniting community members around farming and marketing organic local fish. The initiative will contribute to cleaner water resources and plan to plant 10,000 trees in target communities by 2020.
  • Providing 60% of household income by 2018 for each participant.
  • Raising awareness in local communities on the potential of using permaculture techniques.
  • Supporting communities to unite and organise themselves.
  • Increasing use of environmentally friendly resources in breeding fish.
  • Contributing to less water pollution in target communities through training sessions.
  • Planting 10,000 trees in target communities by 2020.
  • Establishing a sustainable fish-breeding system managed by local communities, preserving indigenous biodiversity resources.





Cette entreprise est soutenue par ses partenariats avec diverses parties prenantes, notamment des organisations nationales et internationales, des investisseurs, des instituts de recherche, des fournisseurs, des organismes gouvernementaux, des ONG, d'autres entreprises sociales et environnementales, etc.

Masole Ammele Private (Limited) promotes permaculture fish farming in Malawi.

Millennium Grains & Save Consultancy Services seeks markets in Zimbabwe, contributes to transportation logistics and organizes workshops and conferences.

Mamo Enterprise offers linkage services for the fish for local markets. It also supports the organisation of farmer cooperatives.

University of Malawi and Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources are research institutions that provide updated information on aquaculture. 

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Godfrey Manda

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