Khoelife Organic Soap and Oils Primary Co-operative

Promoting women entrepreneurship through marketing organic soap and cosmetics.
2014 SEED South Africa Award Lauréat-e Green Technologies Cape Town, South Africa

Khoelife Organic Soap and Oils Co-operative combines a franchise model with a microloans system. Members of the co-operative receive training and peer-to-peer support regarding management, finance and marketing in addition to receiving start-up capital. The purpose of the enterprise is to enable women entrepreneurs to set up independently-owned businesses.

As the first cohort begins to make headway, part of their commission and loan repayments will be used to support a new set of entrepreneurs, thus eliminating the need for external funds. The traditional, labourintensive production process relies completely on renewable energy sources, thus reducing carbon emissions.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts

The enterprise empowers women to set up their own distribution businesses, in turn raising their self-esteem and ability to contribute to their family’s income. The production process relies completely on renewable energy sources, thus reducing carbon emissions.
  • Empowering women through training programmes. Khoelife Co-operative provides a capacity-building ladder whereby women begin with elementary skill-training and committed members progress further onto bigger challenges.
  • Making organic products available to poor communities at affordable prices.
  • Reducing the carbon footprint of sanitising products by replacing the use of petrochemicals with natural oils, applying traditional production techniques and using renewable energy.
  • Promoting biodiversity, sound water use and waste management through the use of organic ingredients.
  • Supporting women in setting up their own distribution businesses that contribute to their family’s income.
  • Creating additional sources of income for local and organic farmers.
  • Increasing the sales of the products of Khoelife Organic Soaps and Oils Manufacturing.



Cette entreprise est soutenue par ses partenariats avec diverses parties prenantes, notamment des organisations nationales et internationales, des investisseurs, des instituts de recherche, des fournisseurs, des organismes gouvernementaux, des ONG, d'autres entreprises sociales et environnementales, etc.

Khoelife Organic Soap and Oils Co-operative aims to empower women and build a distribution network for the products of Khoelife Organic Soaps and Oils Manufacturing.

Khoelife Organic Soaps and Oils Manufacturing supports the cooperative with seed money, administrative support and stocks of certified certified organic products.

Impilo Yabantu, a successful co-operative in the sanitation sector, advises Khoelife Cooperative on setting up co-operative and distribution networks.

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Zaeemah Robinson
Suite 9, POSTNET GB, Private Bag X4, Gordon's Bay, 7151
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: +27 21 782 9123

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