Gogle Energy-Saving Stoves and Engineering

Produces improved cook stoves and briquettes.
2013 SEED Africa Award Lauréat-e Clean Energy Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Gogle Energy Saving Stoves produces improved cookstoves. It also recently started producing charcoal briquettes as a source of fuel, to be sold with the stoves or separately. The products are sold to various users in Ethiopia, including international NGOs via pre-ordering and through its own shops across the country. The enterprise currently produces around 200 improved steel-made cookstoves and 5,000 kg of briquettes a day. It is expanding its operations into neighbouring Somalia.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts

Gogle Energy helps to reduce deforestation and contributes to the shift towards clean energy, while also providing income for local communities.
  • Empowering women’s groups by training them how to produce clay liners and briquettes.
  • Empowering communities by enabling them to avoid the cost of buying firewood.
  • Improving the livelihoods of women in rural areas by reducing their workload and saving them time, enabling them to be involved in other social activities.
  • Significantly improving community health by reducing indoor air pollution from open fires for cooking.
  • Reducing deforestation by enabling the use of alternative fuel sources, such as briquettes made of waste.
  • Reducing GHG emissions by avoiding wasteful use of fuel, thereby ultimately contributing to the mitigation of global warming.
  • Delivering energy-saving products – already sold to more than 20,000 households.
  • Generating annual income of up to USD 1,800 per person.
  • Creating jobs in the production, retailing and distribution of the products – more than 25 people already employed.


Cette entreprise est soutenue par ses partenariats avec diverses parties prenantes, notamment des organisations nationales et internationales, des investisseurs, des instituts de recherche, des fournisseurs, des organismes gouvernementaux, des ONG, d'autres entreprises sociales et environnementales, etc.

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) provides training and supports the transfer and diffusion of energy technologies.

Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre and Network provides training and uses the enterprise’s workshop for producing prototype energy products.

The Ministry of Water and Energy supports the enterprise in many ways, such as providing training, testing new products and granting certifi cation.

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