
Solving the problem of industrial fashion waste by upcycling dead-stock fabrics
2021 SEED Low Carbon Award Lauréat-e Waste Management Bangkok, Thailand

moreloop buys high-quality waste at a fair price, then resells them for profit as input to new products, pursuing a circular economy model. They prevent surplus fabrics ending up in Thailand’s landfill.

moreloop’s revenue comes from selling surplus fabrics to fashion designers or small-medium enterprises, repurposing surplus fabric as products for corporate clients, and creating its own products for consumers.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts

moreloop ensures that 100% of products made by production partners using their material is made by partners who honour fair labour and international labour standards. They contribute to women empowerment through direct employment and supplying to female-led partner companies.
  • Working only with production partners who comply with international labour standards
  • Levelling the playing field for women to have equal opportunities by being a 70% women-led and run company and supplying partner companies that are also majority female-led
  • Preventing 317,001kg of CO2 emissions by using 60,000 yards of repurposed fabric to create over 180,000 new products
  • Preventing an additional 90,000kg of CO2 emissions through the repurposing of 18,000 yards of fabric


  • Enabling smaller fashion enterprises to start businesses with 30-50% less in initial investment than when using new fabrics
  • Incentivising other businesses to join and expand the waste upcycling industry and drive economic growth by generating revenue through new upstreams



Cette entreprise est soutenue par ses partenariats avec diverses parties prenantes, notamment des organisations nationales et internationales, des investisseurs, des instituts de recherche, des fournisseurs, des organismes gouvernementaux, des ONG, d'autres entreprises sociales et environnementales, etc.

Apparel Creations is a production hub for upcycled products. Their transparency in their compliance with international labour law ensure that their supply chain is ethical throughout.

Change Fusion is a network of organisations with a mission to build an ecosystem of impact innovations. They were moreloop’s seed stage incubator, and have continued to help them grow.

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Amorpol Huvanandana
Tel: +66815599855

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