Migo Ranch & Farms

Empowering smallholder farmers through partnerships and training
L'équipe SEED Starter Sustainable Agriculture Machakos, Kenya

Migo Ranch & Farms is a commercial vegetable farming enterprise that employs and promotes sustainable agricultural practices in Kenya.

This eco-inclusive business works closesly with rural smallholder farmers and helps them aggregate their produce for bulk sales. It also provides training on sustainable farming techniques to farmers at no cost. The enterprise then helps establish business partnerships between these smallholder farmers and local customers such as hotels, restaurants, schools, and hospitals.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts

Empowering smallholder farmers and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

By using and promoting awareness on sustainable farming techniques, the enterprise helps preserve the quality and fertility of Kenyan soil and minimizes negative environmental impacts.

By facilitating the aggregation of farm produce, the enterprise brings more bargaining power to smallholder power, leading to enhanced revenues. 

Migo Ranch & Farms is dedicated to the creation of employment opportunities for local women and youth.



Cette entreprise est soutenue par ses partenariats avec diverses parties prenantes, notamment des organisations nationales et internationales, des investisseurs, des instituts de recherche, des fournisseurs, des organismes gouvernementaux, des ONG, d'autres entreprises sociales et environnementales, etc.

The Kenyan Ministry of Agriculture provides operational support to the business and local smallholder farmers.

The Kenyan Ministry of Trade helps the enterprise with sourcing markets for its produce.

Bibliothèque SEED

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Collaborer avec Migo Ranch & Farms

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Je consens à ce que SEED recueille mes coordonnées et protège les données que j'ai soumises conformément à la politique de confidentialité.
Tom Gard
Machakos-Masii Road
Machakos, Kenya
Tel: +254776247602

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